Soundcloud Playlist Downloader 320kbps
Hey guys, i made a quick little tool where you just put in a link to a soundcloud playlist (e.g. and you get a list with all songs, if they are downloadable directly from SC or not - and if not, if they have a 'buy/external download' link.
Would you like to download audio tracks from in the best quality? Learn how to do it in few steps. Download MP3s from SoundCloud at highest quality in 320kbps. Choose file type to download to.
So you can just throw in a playlist and grab all downloads from here.
The biggest downsite right now is that soundcloud somehow gives uploaders the opportunity to hide their tracks from the API.
That means there are some songs i cannot see with my tool, but when you put the link in, you can see how many songs it has, how many can be seen by me and how many of them are downloadable.
I figured out i could share this tool here since i know there are a handful of 'free music only'-playlists out here and thats what i made it for =)
Give it a try if youre interested and let me know if it works or if you have ideas to improve it!
T. S. R. P. Q. Royals live stream.